Treatment Of Smoking Addiction

Cigarette addiction is the addiction to the effects of taking the nicotine contained in cigarettes. On the other hand, substances added to cigarettes during their production (carcinogens) are very harmful.

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Quitting smoking is associated with many difficulties and requires a lot of self-discipline, as with any other addiction. Nicotine changes the balance between the two hormones, dopamine, and norepinephrine, in the human body. 

When nicotine intake affects their levels, mood and concentration also change. Many smokers enjoy it. When you inhale (inhale) nicotine, it immediately goes to the brain, where it produces a sense of pleasure and reduces stress and anxiety. The more this is done, the more difficult it will be to achieve this state later without being addictive. that’s why most smokers miss it so badly. However, it is a deceptive feeling – it has been proven that nicotine stimulates the body, not calms it down.

Nicotine Addiction – Causes

The causes of cigarette addiction fall into many different aspects. Genetics appears to be an important factor. Receptors in the brain of people whose parents were smokers may react more intensively to the effects of nicotine injected into the body. As a result, these people will become more addicted to it. The influence of the environment, both at home and at peers, plays a key role in the addiction process. Children of parents who were smokers themselves much more often smoke cigarettes themselves.

The influence of colleagues and social communication have the same effect. If smoking is promoted on television, in advertising, and other media, it encourages young people to turn to nicotine. Usually, it is young people who begin their “adventure” with smoking. The younger a person starts smoking, the greater the chance that he would become addicted as an adult. People suffering from depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder are more likely to use this drug. People who abuse alcohol or other drugs are also more likely to use cigarettes.

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Some people may become addicted to nicotine after a very short exposure to nicotine. Symptoms of addiction include difficulty in quitting further smoking. If attempts have been made to quit smoking but have failed, the person may become addicted. The withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit the addiction also confirm its existence. 

If you experience physical symptoms and mood changes, such as anxiety, increased appetite, irritation, difficulty concentrating, sadness, frustration, anger, insomnia, as well as constipation, or diarrhea, when taking such actions, then the person is already addicted to nicotine.

Continuation of smoking is also a symptom of nicotine addiction, despite health indications, such as already existing lung or heart disease. Less willingness to be with family or friends who do not smoke, and avoiding places where smoking is not allowed, also indicates a strong nicotine addiction.

The Most Common Symptoms Are:

  • difficulty in deciding not to smoke and sticking to it
  • withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit
  • smoking
  • avoiding smoking places 
  • continuing smoking despite health reasons

Quitting Smoking – Treatment

Treatment of nicotine addiction is a long process. Above all, it requires commitment on the part of the patient. The success of treatment depends on the willingness of the addicted person. The recovery process is a life-long decision. There are no shortcuts, the decision to quit smoking every day must be based on the will of the addicted person.

Addiction is a chronic and recurrent disease. It happens many times that addicts are able to refrain from smoking for a longer period of time, and even after a few years lose the fight against the addiction again. 

Supportive in the treatment process may be participating in group activities, supporting recovery from addiction. Also, participation in psychotherapy, especially in cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help you find the willingness and motivation to act on how to quit smoking, and to persevere in this decision.


Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, Cecil County, Harford County, Howard County, Queen Anne’s County


(667) 215-5549


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Monday - Friday: 7am - 10pm EST
Saturday: 8am - 10pm EST
Sunday: 7am - 9pm EST