Methamphetamine, otherwise known as Ice, Speed, Crystal, Stove, and Meth is an amphetamine derivative. Meth is a brain stimulant. Its reception sharpens vision, increases alertness, reduces appetite, makes perception clearer. But you have to pay for any pleasure. People who take meth pay a bitter price for a short-term feeling of euphoria and increased performance – they develop first a mental, and then a physical form of addiction.

Specialists of the medical center “Ugodie” have vast experience in the successful treatment of methamphetamine addiction. We know how to help in the most difficult situations. Do not try to cope with the trouble on your own – the memory of the pleasure received is so strong that you are unlikely to be able to cope with cravings and endure withdrawal. Trust the narcologist, his knowledge and experience will help to stop the main manifestations of abstinence, teach self-control techniques and keep you from taking a new dose.

Methamphetamine Addiction

Why addiction to methamphetamine is dangerous

The Spread Of The Drug Is Facilitated By:

Strong effect on the central nervous system (it is much stronger than that of other drugs of the amphetamine group).

Improving thinking ability, physical stamina and decreasing feelings of fatigue. These properties have made meth popular among students, athletes, and people exposed to various stresses.

Long-term preservation of the effect – up to 24 hours.

Ease of synthesis

When Taking A Powerful Psychostimulant:

  • the activity of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • there are problems with vision, hearing;
  • appetite completely disappears;
  • there is a sharp decrease in immune properties.

With Prolonged Abuse, More Dangerous Manifestations Are Observed:

  • the liver and kidneys are destroyed;
  • constant insomnia is formed;
  • there is tremor of the limbs;
  • teeth are destroyed;
  • there are problems with speech (incoherence of words, an excited state);
  • there is aggressiveness and exhaustion;
  • deceptive vigor is replaced by the strongest loss of strength, the emergence of hallucinations.

Methamphetamine is one of the most toxic drugs. In a relatively short period, it almost completely destroys the body. The cells of the nervous system are particularly affected.

Another reason for the frequent deaths of methamphetamine addicts is heart attacks and strokes. They occur against the background of changes in heart rate and fluctuations in blood pressure numbers.

Chronic Methamphetamine Addiction Results In:

The psychological need for repetition of previously experienced sensations.

Tolerance is an addiction in which you need to constantly increase the dose to achieve euphoria.

Physical dependence – the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the next dose is missed. The strongest manifestations of withdrawal are observed with intravenous administration. Drug addicts may develop depressive disorders, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, abdominal cramps, gastroenteritis, overeating.

How To Identify The Disease

Usually the drug is taken by inhalation (through the nose), or through smoking or ingestion. Injections are also used. The fastest effect is given by intravenous administration (euphoria occurs a few seconds after injection), but meth can be administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously and rectally.

There are signs that allow you to identify a person suffering from cravings for psychoactive substances. You should be alerted:

  • unnaturally cheerful behavior, giving way after a while to the opposite picture – aggression, irritability;
  • sunken eyes, cloudy and dilated pupils;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increased sweating, thirst;
  • injection marks;
  • the presence of syringes, dirty mirrors, bags

These manifestations are usually characteristic of all stages of methamphetamine dependence. The general condition depends on the duration of use and the individual characteristics of a particular person

You Need To Sound The Alarm In Case Of Detection:

  • powder containing large transparent crystals (pure methamphetamine hydrochloride);
  • a well-soluble white powder with a sour-bitter taste;
  • yellowish or dirty brown powdery substances;
  • sticky yellow-brown fatty or pasty mass;

colorful pills with logos. They tend to have a variety of flavors.


If you suspect abuse, be sure to contact our clinic “Ugodie”, we will help to identify the presence of a drug in the body by laboratory means.

Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment Methods

Detoxification therapy – by purifying the blood and tissues from toxic and dangerous compounds with the help of droppers, we give the body a respite, which allows it to activate its own forces to fight the negative effects of the “vigor pills”. The course improves overall well-being, at the same time reduces the craving for drugs, and clarifies consciousness.

Fight against abstinence, stabilize the psyche and the work of damaged organs and systems. Antipsychotic drugs, cleansing agents, and also a sedative are used. Hepatoprotectors, cardioprotectors, drugs that stabilize blood pressure, nootropics and other necessary drugs may be prescribed.

The rehabilitation course is an enhanced, intensive way of recovery in a closed environment – among psychotherapists, psychologists and such convalescents. Specialists help to quickly realize the severity of their illness, teach to resist temptations, help rebuild life, set new goals and achieve them.

Stay away from slick areas to prevent slipping and injury. You can count on us to aid you if you need it. Contact us if you would like further information.